Dr. Akram Mohammed Ahmed Elhag, Faculty of Economics and Management Studies:


Workshop of Experts on Quality in Education, Organized by Regional Centre for Quality in Education (UNICCO). Rotana Salam Hotel –Khartoum August 2018


Participated in Entrepreneurship Conference -Corinthia Hotel Khartoum 2017


Participated in 1ST Saudi Scientific Publishing Conference 28-30/1/2014 – King Khalid University, Abha, and K.S.A.


Participated in Symposium on Economic & Social Prospects for Tourism in Arab world - Organized by Federation of Arab Scientific Research Council- K.S.A 2015.


Participated in Workshop "The Importance of the scientific Department in University life workshop for University leaders- Al Jouf University 2013 K.S.A


Participated in The East African Telecentre Leaders Forum (EATLF) Khartoum 2008.


Participated in "Regional Follow-up to the Outcome of the World Summit on the Information Society", Damascus, 16-18 June 2009.


Participated in Workshop 0n "knowledge hub in disadvantage societies"(Organized by ESCWA Organization) 14-16 JAN 2010 – Khartoum


Participated in Telecentre Leaders Forum - Middle East and North Africa MENA and Egypt


Participated in Telecentre Academy Forum at the Smart Village, Cairo, Egypt January 2426, 2010


Participated in Higher Education and Scientific Research Symposium within Framework of Arab- China Cooperation (Khartoum: 9 – 11 November 2009


Participated in E - India2008 Conference New Delhi 29 -31 July 2008.


Participated in Expert Group Meeting on Developing the ICT Sector in the ESCWA Region Beirut, 11-12 March 2009