Dr.Ali AbdElrahim, Dean, Scientific Research

1. Automatic Classification of Wood Texture using Local Binary Pattern & Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol 529 (2014) P 315-320

2. RRAM Based Artificial Neural Network, INFUS 2021, Vol2 LNNS 308, Chapter-40

3.Controlling Drone - using IOT platform. 2019 International Conference on Computer, Control, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICCCEEE19), 978-1-7281-1006-6/19/$31.00©2019.

4.Design of Optimum Nano-scale CMOS inverter integrated with RRAM2019, International Conference on Computer,Control, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICCCEEE19) 97801-7281-1006-6/19/$31.00 (c) 2019

5.Design of Nano-scale synaptic neural network using RRAM, INFUS Conferences July 2020, Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Modeling in Engineering.

6.Design and Implementation of Raspberry Pi based Cell phone, 2020 International Conference on Computer, Control, Electrical, and Electronics Engineering (ICCCEEE).

Dr.Muawia Osman Elhag Abdallah, Department of Requirements

1. Evaluating English Language Requirement Courses at Tertiary Level in Khartoum State, Sudan- University of Bakht Alruda, Scientific Journal Issue No.24, June 2018

2. Teacher’s Perspectives on Sudan Secondary School Certificate English Language Examinations of year (2018-2019), University of Bakht Alruda, Scientific Journal Issue No.25, September 2018.

3. Teacher’s Views on Using Video in Teaching Speaking Skiils at 2nd Year Secondary Level in Khartoum Locality, University of Fasher, Journal for Humanities, Journal Issue 11, June 2018

4. Evaluating Basic Level School Certificate English Language Examination of Khartoum State (2017-2018); Teacher’s Perspectives. European Academic Research Vol.VI, Issue 10, January 2019.

5. Using Literature in EFL Classes: Assessing the Suitability of Literary Texts at Sudanese Basic Level Schools. European Academic Research, Vol VI, Issue 10, January 2019

6. Suggested Strategies for Developing Reading Lesson Planning for 3rd Secondary School Teachers of English at Omdurman Locality, University of Khartoum, Journal of Faculty of Education, 2019.

Dr.Hussam Mohammed AbdElgalil Mohammed, Faculty of Computer Studies

1. A Generalized Solution of Bianchi Type-V Models with Time-Dependent G and ^, Universe MDPI (Volume4 Issue 8) - Switzerland-27 Julay 2018

2. Special Case and Statistical Properties of Mittag-Leffler Density, GCNU (54-2) ISSN 1858-6228 Sudan-15 -5-2019

3. In compressible Fluid Flow through Free and Porous Areas, JFST (Issue 6) ISSN1858-6007- Sudan-2019

4. The Relation between Mittag-Leffler Density and Some Special Functions, GCNU (57-2) ISSN 1858-6228 Sudan- 2019

Dr. Akram Mohammed Ahmed Elhag, Faculty of Economics and Management Studies

1. Relationship between Export Promotion Programs and Export Performance: Does Perceived Usefulness Matter? International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391.

2. COMMITMENT AND TRUST AS POTENTIAL FACTORS IN ADVERTISING STRATEGY AND EXPORT PERFORMANCE (A STUDY ON SUDANESE EXPORT FIRMS). International Research Journal of Marketing and Economics Vol. 4, Issue 1, January 2017 Impact Factor- 5.671 ISSN: (2349-0314) ©

3. The Concept of Human Treatment in the fiction of Graham Green, Journal of international Development, Vo27, 2014.

4. Prospective approach to Explore English Language Learning Skills. GLIMPSES Journal, Vo1, No 4 Dec 2014.

5. Apply the principles of Total Quality Management and Its Impact on Academic Performance in Saudi Arabia Universities', Social &Humanities Studies Journal. Vo 11 January 2015.

6. Expert Group Meeting on Developing the ICT Sector in the ESCWA Region.2008

7. Indicators of Information and Communication Technology In the Sudan 2009. Scientific Study requested by ESCWA 2009.

8. Fundamentals of Knowledge Conference. Sudan University Of Science &Technology, 2012.

9. The Scientific Publishing in Saudi Arabia Universities', Social & Humanities Studies Journal. Vo 11 January 2015.0

10. Tourism & It’s Role in Achieving Economic &Social Development in Arab Countries (Qatar & K.S.A) Arab Journal for Studies & Research ISSN2522-2372 – OCT 2018

Prof. G. K. Viju, Professor & Dean (Post Graduate Studies) (Latest Publications)

1. G.K.Viju, Mohammed Jassim Mohammed Jassim, Khalid Ahmed Ibrahim, “Discovery of Network Resources for Better Quality of Service”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering Vol: 3, Issue-4: P: 112-114.

2. G.K.Viju, Mohammed Jassim Mohammed Jassim, “ Ensuring Better Service Assurance using Scalable Monitoring and Resource Management”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering Vol: 2, Issue-4: P: 67-69

3. Hozifa Adam Hessain, G.K.Viju, “Investigating the consistency attributes for requirement engineering in web based applications”, DSpace @ Sudan University of Science and Technology, P-44.

4. Mohamed Kamal Eldin Aziz, G.K,Viju, “The impact of using agile engineering for distributed dependable systems: a survey study”, DSpace @ Sudan University of Science and Technology, P-65.

5. G.K.Viju , Abdul Wahab Nourein, Khalid Ahmed Ibrahim, “Impact of Quality Management Methodology in Higher Educational Institutions”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol:3, Issue:11; P:318-321.

6. G.K.Viju , Abdul Wahab Nourein, “A Suggested Quality Management Methodology for Higher Educational Institutions”, International Journal of Modern Computer Science and Applications Vol: 4 Issue: 6; P: 23-28.

7. G.K.Viju , Abdul Wahab Nourein, Khalid Ahmed Ibrahim, “Implementing Quality Management Methodology on the Efficiency of Academic Performance in Higher Educational Sectors”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol:3, Issue:11; P:378-380.

8. G.K.Viju , Abdul Wahab Nourein, Khalid Ahmed Ibrahim, “A Suggested Institutional Accreditation Standard in Higher Education”, International Journal of Research and Engineering Vol: 3, Issue: 11; P: 13-17.

9. G.K.Viju, “GK Model for Quality Improvements in Higher Educational Institutions”, GK International Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.1, Issue.1 Jun-2019; P 13-18.

10. Ashraf Mohammed, Ali Ahmed, Waleed Mohammed, G.K.Viju, Mazin Taha, “ Mammogram Images Classification using Linear Discriminant Analysis Technique” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol,7, Issue-6 P: 6656-6662

11. Ibrahim Mohamed Ahmed Ali, G.K.Viju, “Exact Algorithms for Multi–Constrained Quality of Service Routing”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, Issue-2, 2021, P:389-395.

12. G.K.Viju, “Online and Distance Learning in Sudanese Universities: A Necessity in light of Covid-19 Pandemic”, International Journal of Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology, Vol.5, Issue.10, 2021, P:11-19

13. Khalid Ahmed Ibrahim, G.K.Viju, “Extraction of Semantic Dynamic Content from Videos”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management, Vol.3, Issue-2, 2021, P:879-883

14. Khalid Ahmed Ibrahim, G.K.Viju, “Improving Availability and Performance of Edge Service Replication”, International Journal of Science Technology and Engineering, Vol-7, Issue-9, March 2021,

15. Prof.G.K.Viju, Dr.Abdel Wahab Nourein, “A Case Study on the Implementation of E-Learning System at University of Garden City”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development, Vol.4, Issue.3, P 1056-1065, May-June 2021